Wayne Dept of Health 461 Valley Rd, Wayne NJ
Speaker: Eric Rohsler
Dive in and explore some of the newest and most fascinating garden plants. Geared towards contemporary plant selection,...
Wayne Dept of Health 461 Valley Rd, Wayne NJ
Reminder: Based on the first letter of your last name, please bring:
A-K - Dessert
L-P - Beverage
R-Z - Appetizer
Wayne Dept of Health 461 Valley Rd, Wayne NJ
Speaker: Lourdes Osorio
Wow, native plants that are deer resistant! Lourdes will explain how to make your garden eco-friendlier by growing pl...
Wayne Dept of Health 461 Valley Rd, Wayne NJ
Wayne Dept of Health 461 Valley Rd, Wayne NJ
Learn how to make beautifully decorated flower pots with paint, napkins and Modge Podge (outdoor sealer). This is a great way to upgrade pla...
Wayne Dept of Health 461 Valley Rd, Wayne NJ
Reeves-Reed Arboretum 165 Hobart Ave, Summit, NJ
Reeves-Reed is an arboretum located in Summit featuring beautiful daffodils in April that are planted in a depression left by glaciers over ...
Reeves-Reed Arboretum 165 Hobart Ave, Summit, NJ
Home of Jackie Pisatowski
Our opening meeting of the season will be held at the home of Jackie Pisatowski.
Home of Jackie Pisatowski
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Speaker: Janet Schulz
An in-depth look at plants that thrive in shady conditions and which plants complement each other. Some design tips wil...
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Presented by: Carol Jean Feinstein
Carol will guide us through this hands-on workshop to create watercolor-like designs on fabric using flowe...
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Pequannock Public Library 477 Newark Pompton Tpke, Pompton Plains
Speaker: Marc Gussen
Marc brings fun, dynamic and educational lectures! His talk on Ponds and Pond Life takes us on an exploration of plant l...
Pequannock Public Library 477 Newark Pompton Tpke, Pompton Plains
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
A frosted glass wine bottle, fairy lights, stickers, trims, fresh evergreens and ribbon will be provided. If you have white branches or art...
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Dey Mansion, 199 Totowa Road, Wayne
Come join us for our first meeting of the 2022-2023 Garden Club Year! Our garden walk and meeting will take place outdoors at the Dey Mansi...
Dey Mansion, 199 Totowa Road, Wayne
99 Margaret Corin Drive, Fort Tryon Park, NY, NY
The gardens of the Middle Ages included real and ideal gardens. Poets and artists delighted in the depiction of fantasy gardens like the Gar...
99 Margaret Corin Drive, Fort Tryon Park, NY, NY
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Speaker: Lourdes Osario
Create a garden that buzzes with life and attracts butterflies, bees, fireflies and other insects. Presentation discu...
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Pressed ferns and colorful autumn leaves will be mounted and framed to create beautiful botanical wall art.
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Speaker: Linda Williams
Linda will discuss how to gather, dry, prep, paint and assemble materials to create jewelry.
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Van Riper-Hopper House, 533 Berdan Ave, Wayne
Riverview Garden Club members will share informational display boards and handouts on a variety of pollinators and pollinator-friendly plant...
Van Riper-Hopper House, 533 Berdan Ave, Wayne
Karen Zimin has graciously invited our members to tour her garden and host our first meeting of the new year.
Members Only
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Speaker: Barbara Bell
Previously the Medieval Gardener at the Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Upper Manhattan
An eve...
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Canete Landscaping, 825 Black Oak Ridge Rd, Wayne
Sponsored by Beth of Canete Landscaping
Beth will encourage members to use their creative talents by showing them how to create a beautiful A...
Canete Landscaping, 825 Black Oak Ridge Rd, Wayne
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Speaker: Arnie Friedman
Bergen County Master Gardener
Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne
Wayne Elks Lodge Pavilion, 50 Hinchman Ave. , Wayne
Riverview & Pines Lake Garden Clubs will sponsor an outdoor Tricky Tray & 50/50 Raffle.
Admission $5.00
Ticket Savings Packages start at $50.0...
Wayne Elks Lodge Pavilion, 50 Hinchman Ave. , Wayne
Dey Mansion, 199 Totowa Road, Wayne
Riverview Garden Club Outdoor Meeting (rain date on June 3). Attendees are invited to view the gardens at Dey Mansion. Afterwards, there w...
Dey Mansion, 199 Totowa Road, Wayne
Zoom Meeting
Speaker: Diane Lattanzio
Master Gardener
Irises are well-known for their attractive flowers that bloom in an array of colors in beds and bord...
Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Speaker: Don Torino
Bergen County Audubon Society
Don will offer a photo presentation on these fascinating raptors, touching on the many di...
Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Speaker: Bill Moran
Master Gardener
What may be a surprise to many Morris County residents is that within a short driving distance there are ...
Zoom Meeting
Giovanna's home
Our opening meeting will be held at Giovanna Cicillini’s home. Giovanna has graciously invited our members to tour her garden and hold our f...
Giovanna's home
Dey Mansion Visitor Center
Speaker: Janet Schultz,
Past Director for District 1 New Jersey Garden Club
Janet will introduce us to some of the minor bulbs, as well...
Dey Mansion Visitor Center
Pequannock Library
Bring a touch of fall to your table with pressed leaves under glass!
Members Only
Registration Required
Fee: TBD
Pequannock Library
Dey Mansion Visitor Center
Speaker: Marc Gussen, Director/Naturalist of the Closter Nature Center
Our gardens provide homes and food not only to our plants and birds...
Dey Mansion Visitor Center
Dey Mansion
Join us to help decorate Christmas trees at Dey Manion for their annual open house celebration.
Followed by lunch at the Barnyard Restaurant.
Dey Mansion
Jo O'Boyle's home
Jo O'Boyle has graciously invited our members to tour her garden and hold our first meeting at her home.
Members Only
Jo O'Boyle's home
Wayne Civic Center (Preakness School)
Speaker: Marc Gussen, Director/Naturalist of the Closter Nature Center
Marc’s presentation focuses on how and why hydroponics can be incorpor...
Wayne Civic Center (Preakness School)
Van Riper-Hopper House, 533 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ
This local tour will begin at the Van Riper-Hopper House on Berdan Avenue with a special slide presentation on the history of the Schuyler-C...
Van Riper-Hopper House, 533 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ
Wayne Civic Center (Preakness School)
Speaker: Kay Beers of Beers Flowers, Ridgewood, NJ
Kay, a professional floral designer and owner of Beers Flower Shop, will discuss floral ...
Wayne Civic Center (Preakness School)
Wayne Civic Center (Preakness School)
Join us as we refresh and renew a variety of Colonial period holiday ornaments to decorate the Dey Mansion Christmas trees.
Members Only
Wayne Civic Center (Preakness School)
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